Friday, August 10, 2012

[Egregious_Records] new song on soundcloud

Track artwork
Track artwork


Egregious 2 minutes ago

I wrote on 50 90:

There is this construction site where they are driving piles, and I thought it would be cool if I could use the actual sound of a pile driver in a kind of Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer song - soulful and sexy (I put up a sexy picture on the soundcloud page). I think it actually came out sort of lugubrious, but maybe that will work for somebody.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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[Egregious_Records] Dammit


Stupid Google.  Censorship. They obliterate your blog, destroy your content forever, and never even tell you why:

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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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[Egregious_Records] Re: The 50/90 Challenge


I attempt to provide good customer service at every opportunity...

michaelepic's picture
michaelepic - 20 hours ago

I was stoked when I saw the tags for this "spy" and I was like sweet! spy music!

So I checked it out...but the thing is, nothing about your song really says "spy" to me. Its more video game esque song that would feel right at home in a Final Fantasty or some type of RPG like Bastion.

Which is a good thing, don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed listening to it and I felt like its airy, bright nature and sound were spot on for excellence. So while you bomb out (no pun intended hehe) in the spy music department, you rise above in the video game music department Laughing out loud


my reply:


Did not mean to mislead. I have done my best to address the situation. Song is now called James Sega.  Thank you for the excellent feedback!


Now that I have unwittingly written some video game music, I may turn my attention to solving the problem of what makes spy music what it is..

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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